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Lecaine gems

LeCaine Gems is a Singapore-based bespoke jewellery company. I interned there for 6 months as a requirement for my diploma. Later I joined in as a part-time employee for 4 months. During this period I had to create a collection with some loose natural emeralds. Other than that cater to customers' bespoke ring design needs which involves effective communication between me and the customer and with production facilities. I was also required to do a lot of graphic design-related work, which you can find in the graphic/UI UX section of my "My Work" section.

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The Heirloom Collection

The Heirloom is a collection characterised by the velvety green Emerald. The rich and mesmerising stone has been long known for a symbol of romance, hope and eloquence. It exudes royalty with a vintage and classic style. The incorporation of textures, milgrains and Victorian motifs further add to the elaboration of details put into the design.

Technical Drawings and Prototyping

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Bespoke designs

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Custom ring design requests by customers require me to understand what they want, take down a description provide them with design sketches of a few possibilities. Upon their design approval, the sketch is sent for 3D rendering and then production.

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